August 24, 2018  New product: NMEA 0183 Wi-Fi Router

This router has four NMEA 0183 ports, one SeaTalk port, and three TCP/UDP data servers and web gauges. And you can manage it using the built-in web server.

NMEA 0183 Router and Multiplexer

Many boats still have a lot of NMEA 0183 equipment, so the Router is a great offer: it is smart NMEA 0183 multiplexer with SeaTalk and Wi-Fi sold at the price of a usual NMEA multiplexer. Power consumption is less than 50 mA.

Wi-Fi support allows you to configure or troubleshoot the device from any laptop or smartphone. The Router has a built-in web server, where you can change ports speed, data filters, routing rules and other settings. You can also open the page with web gauges and see vessel data right in your browser without any apps or internet. Or you can open the debug page and see the message flow.

The Router can create its own Wi-Fi network or can be connected to a boat's existing network. Of course, it is compatible with virtually all marine apps; you can use it with OpenCPN, Coastal Explorer, Expedition or TimeZero on laptop, or with iNavx, Transas iSailor, Navionics or SeaPilot on a smartphone or tablet.

The SeaTalk port allows you to connect your old instruments like ST60 with modern MFDs and instrument displays. The Router has a bi-directional converter between SeaTalk and NMEA 0183, and we tested the control of Raymarine SmartPilot autopilot with a ST6002 display connected to the SeaTalk port of the Router from an NMEA 0183 application.

Additionally, a pair of Routers can be used to create a wireless bridge between two physical SeaTalk or NMEA 0183 networks. In tandem with the NMEA 2000 Wi-Fi Gateway, the Router can form a wireless bridge to NMEA 2000 from NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000.

NMEA 0183 ports are compatible with RS-232 and RS-422 signals, and you can connect your PC to the Router using a USB/Serial adaptor if it has no serial port or Wi-Fi. One of NMEA 0183 ports is galvanically isolated, so you can safely connect your PC or other devices that run at 110/220 Volts.

NMEA 0183 ports have configurable speed from 300 to 115200 baud, and offer an optional "tunnel mode". In this mode, the Router does not verify received data. This allows connection with very old (when the checksum was not a required part of the NMEA 0183 sentence) and non-standard equipment. It also allows connection to equipment which uses a different speed.

One more free add-on. The Router can automatically store your GPS track with speed, course, heading, depth and wind data to the internal memory. The data can be downloaded from the administrative web site in GPX (GPS tracks) or in CSV (spreadsheet) formats. This means that you will not only have a backup of your tracks stored on MFD, but these tracks will have a bit more data than usual MFD tracks.

The Router costs USD $249 and is on stock. For more information about this product, please see the product page or manual.


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